Patient & Family Advisors

We need your help

Humber River Health is committed to working together with our community to deliver innovative, safe, and equitable healthcare. We are looking to recruit Patient and Family Advisors to join our team as partners in improving care.


Seeking patients, caregivers, friends & family

We are looking for former or current patients, family members, and caregivers who are experiencing or have experienced health care services at Humber River Health. At Humber, we value compassion, professionalism and respect, and are seeking individuals with these qualities.

We serve a community characterized by diversity and this makes our organization stronger. We recognize the significant impacts that access to care, social determinants of health, and inequities can have on patient outcomes. We are committed to the important work of ensuring an inclusive and safe place for everyone that walks through our doors and interacts with our team throughout the community. Embracing our unique identities and diverse lived experiences is vital to our mission and a necessary component of collaboration that leads to meaningful innovation.

To reflect these continued commitments, we invite and encourage applications from individuals who are Black, Indigenous, racialized, living with disabilities, and/or individuals from diverse backgrounds (ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation, gender identities, and expressions).

What to expect

We are looking for a commitment of one hour a month. We appreciate the value of your time and are flexible in our approach supporting both virtual and in-person activities. Potential activities that need your feedback and direction include:

  • Sharing your feedback and ideas on how to improve the quality and safety of care, in partnership with frontline healthcare workers.
  • Participating in discussion groups and advising on how to improve the patient, family member, and caregiver experience.
  • Sharing stories about your healthcare experiences in training sessions for nurses, physicians, and other hospital staff.
  • Providing input on how to improve policies, care and hiring practices
  • Working on short-term projects and providing feedback on the usability of technology, supports and services.

Why support Humber

Humber River Health is committed to delivering exceptional care and building a healthier community. As the first fully digital hospital in North America with the world’s first healthcare quality Command Centre, Humber River Health is recognized as leaders in patient satisfaction among Community Hospitals in Ontario. Enhancing quality of care delivery and patient safety remains at the forefront of our technological advancements.

How to apply

If you are interested, please complete the application form below. If you require support to fill in the application, please connect with Amanpreet Ghuman, Director of Quality & Patient Safety at

Thank you for your interest in helping us to deliver innovative and compassionate healthcare in our community.