
The entrance to our emergency department is on the north side of our building, off Wilson Avenue.

Visitor Policy

Please remember:

  • Self-monitor and do not visit if you have COVID-like symptoms
  • Respect a personal choice to wear a mask anytime and anywhere
  • Practice social distancing as much as possible
  • Family members and visitors are welcome 24 hours a day according to patient preference and patient care needs.
  • The number of family members or visitors is limited to one person overnight.
  • All visitors who arrive at the hospital between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. must enter via the Emergency Entrance or Main South Entrance only; all other perimeter doors will be locked.
  • The number of people welcomed at the bedside at any one time will be determined in collaboration with the patient, family and the Interprofessional Care Team. In situations where there are semi-private rooms, the Interprofessional Care Team will take into consideration the needs of the other patient and his or her family and balance the needs of both patients.


Visiting a Loved One

Infection Prevention and Control Considerations

  • Family and visitors who are feeling unwell, have an infection, have symptoms of respiratory illness or flu-like illnesses should not come to the hospital.
  • Families and visitors are required to perform hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub upon entering and leaving a patient’s room.
  • Family and visitors should follow all additional precautions (proper use of personal protective equipment) as instructed by the nursing staff.
  • An Infection Prevention and Control consultation in collaboration with the patient, family and the Interprofessional Care Team is required if the family member requests to spend the night with a patient on additional precautions.

Portals of Care

Our clinic entrances are on the south side of the building off of Sir William Hearst Ave.

At Humber River Health, we are always working to improve the patient experience. To that end, we’ve divided our south entrance into 4 Portals: A, B, C and D.

These portals are colour coded to match the nearest clinics.

  • Mental Health & Addictions
  • Breast Health
  • Cancer Care
  • Medical Imaging
  • Medical Surgical Clinics
  • Cardiology
  • Respiratory & Neurodiagnostics
  • Ambulatory Procedures
  • Bariatric
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Healthy Living Clinic
  • Medical Daycare
  • Paediatric Clinic
  • Fracture Clinic
  • Plastic Surgery Clinic


We offer proximity parking off Wilson Avenue for patients coming for Dialysis treatments. This parking lot is only for Dialysis patients and you can buy passes here.

The Patient Experience

The Reactivation Care Centre is a collaborative and innovative approach designed to help patients who no longer need acute care services, but often find themselves waiting for an alternate care facility, such as convalescent and long-term care.

A significant investment has been made at the Reactivation Care Centre to refresh and replace equipment so that patients and their families have access to the specialized care they need in a restorative setting.

We are excited to offer this opportunity to many of our patients and their families and believe the benefits will allow patients to resume more normal routines and restore their independence.

It’s all about delivering patient care in the most appropriate setting where patient privacy, dignity and safety are a top priority.

Learn more at reactivationcarecentre.ca