My Humber Health
My Humber Health is a secure portal where you can access your health record. You can access your health information, even after you leave Humber River Health.
What information can I see in MY Humber Health?
- Your visit history
- Your list of allergies
- List of medication you’re currently taken
- Your history of prescriptions
- Upcoming appointments
- Information or instructions for upcoming appointments
- Test results or reports
- Physician Reports
Where does the information in MY Humber Health come from?
The information comes from your Humber River Health health record. Your health care provider enters the information during your visit.
Is MY Humber Health secure?
Yes. Humber River Health takes your privacy seriously. MY Humber Health employs industry best practices to keep your information secure. You are the only one who can access your information.
Who can join MY Humber Health?
Any Humber River Health patient can create a MY Humber Health account.
How do I join MY Humber Health?
To create an account, you’ll need:
- E-mail address you provided during your most recent visit
- Unique hospital number
If you don’t know your hospital number, ask your health care provider.
Can I view another person’s health record in MY Humber Health?
You may only access another person’s health record if you are a legally authorized representative. This requires consent from both parties. Authorization is done at Humber River Health. To protect patient privacy, the following age ranges govern use of MY Humber Health:
- 0-11: A parent or legal guardian has access to MY Humber Health. The patient has access with permission of the parent or legal guardian.
- 12-15: A parent or guardian has access to MY Humber Health. The patient can notify Humber River Health that they do not want a parent or legal guardian to have access.
- 16 or older: The patient must give permission for a parent or legal guardian to access MY Humber Health.
What do I do if I have technical problems with MY Humber Health?
If you are at the Hospital and are having technical problems enrolling in the portal, you can speak with your caregiver or use the Integrated Bedside Terminal (IBT) by:
- Pressing the “How To” button on the left-hand side of the screen, or
- Pressing the telephone icon which will connect you to staff who can help.
If you are outside the Hospital and are having technical problems enrolling in the portal, you can email our portal help desk at or call 416-242-1000 extension 82304.