Farrokh (Nikki) Eskandari

My name is Nikki Eskandari. In 1992 and upon graduation from a midwifery program (Bachelor of Health Science) from Iran, I worked in the field of reproductive health rights and midwifery for many years in both Iran and India. After my arrival in Canada and in 2016, I completed the International Midwifery Pre-registration Program at Ryerson University in Toronto. Then, I have practised Midwifery in Markham Ontario and Northern Regional Health prior to Joining West End Midwives. I feel so honoured and excited to serve a very diverse community in Toronto. My passion is working in the area of women health, rights, and motherhood as well as strengthen women’s confidence and knowledge for decision making during pregnancy, labour and delivery. I enjoy hiking, being in nature, reading my favourite books, and spending time with my family and friends.