A Time to Celebrate!
This past week, the Cancer Care Clinic at Humber River Health revealed their new, celebratory bell. Traditionally, patients use bells to signify the celebration of reaching the end of their cancer treatments.
Our Cancer Care Clinic has had a celebratory bell since 2019, which was brought to life through the Cancer Care Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). Similarly, members of the PFAC have generously contributed to the funding for the new bell, allowing them to celebrate patient milestones in a personal and compassionate way. The original bell continues to be on display as we honour its legacy and contributions to our Cancer Care Clinic.
The PFAC members led the reveal and each rang the bell as many did not previously have the opportunity to do so on their cancer journeys.
Presenting the opportunity to acknowledge such life changing milestones has helped us ensure our patients feel encouraged and empowered at the end of their unique cancer journeys.